Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Importance of Urban Green Spaces

Green space are defined as "places where there is contact with nature, a place of visual variety and place where children can learn about nature"

This spaces are considered as desirable assets for cities and an important part of the urban environment. The management of open spaces plays an integral part in the sustainability of the urban environment. Parks and other green amenities are often valued as physical settings of the city thus they contribute much to the quality of life and to the sense of well being of urban dwellers. The benefits offered by open spaces range from aesthetically, recreational to ecological. The management of green spaces therefore ensures the availability of clean air around the city through filtering of pollutants produced in large economic activities in the city. 

The importance and value of urban green spaces (more especially the parks and gardens) has been long debated. However, this topic seems to be more important now than ever, thus many cities recognize the importance of urban green spaces to enhance the image of their cities. Large world cities has the oldest parks in the world, for instance; the Green Park of New York, Royal Park of London, Red Square of Russia and Boston Park of Boston; America. 

I therefore encourage young cities to consider the provision and protection of these spaces within their towns, thus it is a goal for each city to achieve sustainability. A sustainable city is described as one that contains the integration of the three main urban environments, mainly the physical, economic and social environment and thus benefits offered by Urban space cannot be ignored.